Affordable Housing
Interested in Affordable Housing?
The Town of Colma owns one affordable housing unit and a small senior housing apartment complex called Creekside Villas. Vacancies in these facilities are rare, and are managed for the Town by a property management consultant, Hildebrand Properties. They can be reached at (650) 755-0610. Other resources are as follows:
San Mateo County Department of Housing
San Mateo County Department of Housing. If you feel that you may be eligible for affordable housing, please visit the Affordable Housing Information page of the County of San Mateo Department of Housing website
- Check your eligibility to review the Income and Rent Limit chart
- Review the list of affordable rental housing developments
HIP Housing
Home sharing, Self-Sufficiency, Affordable Housing – HIP Housing. The Town of Colma supports the Housing Investment Project (HIP) and their homes haring program. HIP matches individuals with a housing need with those that have space available. Visit their website for innovative housing solutions!