Crime Bulletin – April 2020

Posted on June 1, 2020

chart for crime bulletin report

Crimes Investigated

Vehicle Burglary

During the month of April, there were five (5) reports of vehicles being burglarized.

Stolen Vehicle

During the month of April, there were three (3) reports of vehicles being stolen or embezzled.


During the month of April, the Colma Police Department received ten (10) reports of theft related crimes and made one (1) arrest ranging from shoplifting, petty theft, grand theft, embezzlement, and identity theft.

Towed Vehicles

During the month of April, there was one (1) vehicle towed for violations ranging from arrested suspects, and abandoned vehicles.


During the month of April, patrol officers made a total of three (3) arrests for drug and alcohol related offenses, which included one (1) arrest for driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.

Mutual Aid/Stolen Vehicle and Possession of Unregistered Gun

On 04/17/20, at 3:04 am, four juvenile suspects were observed by a Colma Police Officer exiting what was later determined to be a stolen vehicle, at the 1700 block of Hillside Boulevard.  The suspects walked east onto private property and additional Officers were dispatched to the area to locate the suspects who were now hiding from responding Police Officers.  After the suspects were located, a search of the area revealed one of the suspects had attempted to hide a loaded handgun inside a hole in the ground on the property.  Two of the suspects were arrested with one of them admitting to having possession of the firearm.  The stolen vehicle and all four suspects were involved in an ongoing investigation with the Redwood City Police Department.  All four juvenile suspects were released to their parents.  Colma case information was forwarded to Redwood City PD to assist with their investigation.

County-Wide Efforts

No Colma Police Officers participated in the San Mateo County Saturation Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP), or the San Mateo County Gang Task Force deployment as both details were cancelled.

Community Events

  • 04/08/20, Liam Birthday Party Drive By
  • 04/10/20, 500 Block C Street Birthday Party Drive By
  • 04/21/20, Seamus Birthday Party Drive By
  • 04/22/20, Paige Birthday Party Drive By

April Statistics

Arrests 11
Reports Taken 47
Traffic Citations 2
Parking Citations 20
Automobile Collisions 4


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