Information in this report may not include all responses or participation of the Colma Police Department.
Crimes Investigated
In November of 2023, we took 160 reports, slightly down from 166 reports in October. We arrested 89 people for 72 misdemeanors and 17 felonies; issued 300 criminal, traffic, and parking citations; and conducted 178 traffic enforcement stops. Between December 1st and December 14th, we have already taken 78 reports, made 26 arrests, issued 93 citations, and conducted 34 traffic stops.
On November 15th, Colma Officers took seven cases which included a warrant arrest, 2 petty theft cases, 2 possession of stolen property cases, a warrant arrest, and an assault on an officer arrest. The officer was assaulted while attempting to arrest a subject for stealing from one of our retail establishments. Once the subject was detained safely in handcuffs the officers attempted to issue her a citation for theft, but she continued to refuse to cooperate and sign the citation. The officers had no choice but to transport and book her into county jail for assault on a peace officer and petty theft. She was released from jail on November 22nd for time served.
Between November 16th and 18th, Colma Officers took another 20 cases. Two cases on the 16th were most notable. One occurred early in the morning where an employee of a local business’ vehicle was stolen out of a parking lot. The suspects in this case are part of a sophisticated criminal organization that targets high end high horse powered vehicles. Unfortunately, the vehicle was recovered in Oakland later that day completely destroyed from a collision. Investigation discovered that the suspects in this case re-programed the vehicle’s computer system to create a spoofed key and disable the GPS Tracking system. The second case on the 16th was a robbery at one of our retail businesses. The suspect threatened a loss prevention agent with the business and then resisted arrest when officers attempted to arrest him for the robbery. He was booked into jail on one felony robbery charge and 4 misdemeanor charges for theft, narcotics, assault on an officer, and resisting arrest. He still remains in custody on $50,000 bail to this day, December 14th.
In the early morning hours of November 19th, officers were dispatched to a business in the 1600 block of Mission Road on a report of a medical call. Upon arrival, Officers determined a male victim had been assaulted by another male after a verbal argument. The suspect fled the scene prior to Officers arrival. Investigation determined that this altercation was between known individuals and upon following up with the victim and witness no one was willing to cooperate with the investigation into the now known suspect. The case had to be closed due to a lack of victim cooperation.
On November 20th, Colma Detectives received a complaint about a subject dumping a trailer full of garbage in a local parking lot. Upon investigating this report, detectives obtained video surveillance of a subject emptying a full trailer of office furniture into the parking lot. Using our license plate reading cameras, detectives were able to identify the driver of the vehicle. The case was forwarded to the DA’s Office for review of misdemeanor dumping garbage charges to be filed against the driver.
Later that night, officers were dispatched to a local retail establishment on the report of a return fraud. A mother used her juvenile son to conduct a fraudulent return of a product she had just purchased. The mother had fled the scene leaving the juvenile with his grandmother. The case was forwarded to the district attorney office for grand theft and contributing to the delinquency of a minor charges to be filed against the mother. The juvenile was released to his grandmother.
Between November 21st and 23rd, Colma Officers took another 17 cases which included retail thefts, narcotic arrests, driving under the influence arrests, warrant arrests, and a vandalism case. On November 23rd, officers responded to our Sterling Park Residential Neighborhood on the report of suspicious people walking around people’s homes. Upon officers’ arrival, two vehicles containing multiple suspects fled from officers. A pursuit was initiated but ultimately canceled due to the increased risk to public safety. Through their investigation, officers were able to determine that no entry was made into any homes and the suspects were scared off prior to committing a residential burglary. This case is a perfect reminder of how observant residents who report their suspicion to police can prevent serious crimes from occurring in their homes. Detectives are still investigating this crime and have linked these suspects to multiple other unsolved cases throughout the bay area.
November 24th was another busy day for the Colma Police Officers. They took a total of 10 reports, but the one that stood out was case 9. At approximately 9:40 pm, officers were dispatched to a business in the 5000 block of Junipero Serra Boulevard on a report of a retail theft that just occurred.
Officers were advised a male stole merchandise and fled the scene in a white Dodge. Officers located the vehicle and conducted a traffic stop. The male was positively identified by the business’ loss prevention as the suspect that committed the theft, and he was placed under arrest. It was later determined the male stole approximately $1,263.76 worth of merchandise.
During a search of the vehicle incident to arrest, a loaded firearm with a high-capacity magazine, was located concealed near the front passenger seat. A records check of the serial number revealed the firearm was reported stolen to the Kansas City Police Department. Additionally, the male was on California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Probation (CDCR) and was
a convicted Felon. The 30-year-old male from San Francisco, was arrested for grand theft, burglary, carrying a loaded firearm in public, being in possession of a stolen firearm, being in possession of a high-capacity magazine, carrying a concealed weapon in a vehicle, being a prohibited person in possession of ammunition, and being a felon in possession of a firearm. He was booked into the San Mateo County Jail. The subject was bailed out of jail on December 8th.
Between November 25th and November 30th, officers took another 23 cases. One case of note that stood out did not start in the Town of Colma. On November 27th, the San Mateo Police Department requested a county wide “be on the lookout” message be sent out to all agencies regarding a robbery that had just occurred in their jurisdiction at a retail establishment. Colma Officers were able to locate the fleeing vehicle as it was traveling on northbound highway 280 towards San Francisco. Officers conducted a stop on the vehicle and located the robbery suspect who had fled from San Mateo Officers with her infant in the vehicle. San Mateo Police took over the investigation, booking the female into county jail for robbery, child endangerment, and fleeing from officers. She was later bailed out of jail the next day.
Between December 1st and 15th officers took 79 cases which included 7 felony arrests and 20 misdemeanor arrests. Most notably on December 5th, officers responded to a local retail establishment on the report of a robbery and four suspects fleeing in a vehicle. Officers located the vehicle while they were committing another theft at a different retail establishment. It was
determined that two adults and two juveniles were responsible for stealing $1,500 dollars’ worth of merchandise from the store. Also, during the theft, the adult had her juvenile family member threatened to shoot the loss prevention agent from the store. The adult was booked into jail for robbery, theft, and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. The juveniles were released to their family with pending charges. The adult was later released from jail the next day on her own recognizance.
Community Events
12/2/23 | Breakfast with Santa |
12/2/23 | Stuff the Cruiser |
12/3/23 | Worship Services |
12/8/23 | Coco with a Cop |
12/10/23 | Worship Services |
12/13/23 | Reorganization of City Council |
12/16/23 | Candy Cane Day |
12/17/23 | Worship Services |
12/20/23 | Mercy Holiday Lunch |
12/26/23 | Stanford Blood Drive |