Brian Dossey, City Manager
At the July 24 City Council Meeting, the Council adopted a resolution updating the Value-Based Code of Conduct. The Code was adopted in 2009 as a framework for day-to-day actions and decision-making by the City Council. The values of Fairness, Honesty & Integrity, Responsibility, Vision, and Respect were chosen as the standards for the foundation of the Code of Conduct. The reasons for adopting the Value-Based Code of Conduct was to encourage high standards of behavior by public officials, build public confidence in public officials, and provide a basis for decision-making.
Each December the City Council signs the Code as a commitment to one another on how each will make decisions and work together. Staff also includes a Value from the Code of Conduct in each staff report supporting the recommended action the Council is being asked to consider.
During a team building exercise in May 2019 the City Council and Leadership Team reviewed the Value Based Code of Conduct ensuring it reflected todays values. All agreed the current version of the Value-Based Code of Conduct met todays standards; however minor edits would be acceptable, adding newly identified themes that came from the team-building exercise. Some of the new values that were identified were Trust, Support, Communication and Collaboration. The Council reviewed the Updated Value-Based Code of Conduct at the July 10 Council meeting during a study session. After receiving feedback, staff brought the updated version to the July 24th Council meeting for consideration and adoption. Upon adoption the City Council signed the Value- Based Code of Conduct committing to the values in the document.
To view the newly updated Value-Based Code of Conduct visit our website at
With the most recent earthquakes in Southern California and the incident at Tanforan Mall in San Bruno, don’t forget to sign up for SMC ALERT ( SMC Alert is a software application used to send emergency alerts, notifications and updates to your cell phone, mobile device, home phone, work and/or e-mail account. In the event of an emergency, public safety agencies such as police and fire will be able to provide emergency information directly to you. Each person may sign up for a SMC Alert account. You can add multiple devices (cell phones, smartphones, tablets and email addresses) to your SMC Alert account. Alerts can be sent to all devices listed in your SMC Alert account. In an emergency situation an alert may be sent by emergency response agencies by text, email or voice recording to your mobile device, home or business phone.
Liz Tapia, Recreation Manager
We are excited to bring back our annual outdoor summer concert series! On three Thursdays in August (1, 8 & 15) we will gather in the grass area at the Colma Community Center, located at 1520 Hillside Blvd. from 6:00pm – 8:00pm. Bring your lawn chair, picnic basket and dancing shoes and enjoy a night of music with your friends and neighbors. For more information on the musical lineup, please visit the Town’s website at and check out the Events tab.
Colma Families — Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 7, 2019, when the Town of Colma will celebrate this year’s Town Picnic at Sterling Park Recreation Center, 427 F Street. This year’s theme “Super Colma World” a video game theme which will be great fun for the whole family! This year’s event will include music, gamer themed games, a face painter, caricaturist, Bingo and prizes, and much more. The picnic will begin at 11:00am and end at 3:00pm. There is no cost for this annual community event, so pack up the kids, and stop by and celebrate the end of summer with your neighbors! To ensure there is enough food for everyone, we will be handing out lunch tickets upon arrival to the Picnic, please remember to R.S.V.P. and check in when you arrive. Please remember you must have a current Town of Colma I.D. to participate in the Town Picnic and to R.S.V.P. at (650) 985-5678 or (650) 991-3213 before September 5, 2019.
For fall and holiday programs please watch for the September – December 2018 Recreation Guide due out at the end of August. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Liz Tapia at 650-985-5691 or