City Manager’s Update
Brian Dossey, City Manager
Each New Year gives us time to pause and reflect on the past year, to chart a course for the upcoming year (along with those pesky New Year Resolutions we never seem to keep), and to embrace the changes that a new year brings. Your Town government is no different – staff and the City Council undergo the same period of reflection as well.
At the Council level, the most significant changes occur at the December City Council reorganization. During this annual event a new Mayor and Vice Mayor are appointed by the Council as a whole. Unlike some larger cities, Colma does not directly-elect a Mayor – your Mayor is appointed by her/his peers on the Council. Council Member Helen Fisicaro was appointed as the new Mayor and Council Member Raquel “Rae” Gonzalez was appointed as the Vice Mayor at our December 7, 2021 City Council reorganization.
The first part of this year will be very busy for the Council and staff. During the January – March 2022 meetings, Council will consider approving our Annual Audit and Mid-Year Budget Review, consider approving new Capital Improvement Projects, such as repairs to the F Street Wall, Beatification enhancements along Mission Road, and Conducting traffic and environmental studies on the El Camino Real Bicycle and Pedestrian improvement project, and lastly, conduct the 2020-2022 Strategic Plan workshop. Also, please plan on attending our January 26th meeting, for Mayor Fisicaro will be delivering our annual “State of the Cities” address.
The Town is in the process of updating the 2040 General Plan (GPU) and has just released the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for public review. The DEIR will be available for review and comments through January 25, 2022; after which the final GPU and final Environmental Impact Report will be presented to the City Council for consideration and adoption. If you are interested in seeing what is being planned for Colma over the next twenty years, or if you would like to comment on DEIR, please visit our website at
I am excited to share some good news. The Town was awarded a Measure W grant of $1.8 million for the next phase of the El Camino Bike and Pedestrian Improvement Project. This grant will require a $200,000 local match bringing the total project budget to $2 million. As mentioned above, the next phase in the El Camino Real Bike and Pedestrian Improvement Project is to complete the required studies (environmental, traffic, etc…) before the project can move on to the Plans, Specifications, and Estimates phase. Once this project is approved we will be seeking public input and comments in an effort to advance this project that will enhance mobility and accessibility for all along the El Camino Real corridor.
I hope everyone had a great Holiday Season and want to wish everyone a safe, Happy and Healthy New Year!
Public Works Department Update
Brad Donohue, Public Works Director
In 2021 we completed the Phase 1 of the Mission Road Project. Phase 2, the landscaping portion of the project will commence in the spring of 2022. The rehabilitation for the F Street Retaining wall, construction is projected to start in early spring of 2022. Roadway rehabilitation of the 300 block of F street will start in late Spring. During the next year we will also start the preliminary engineering efforts to look at various improvements to El Camino Real.
This is the time of the year where I get to expound on the good work of the Public Works Maintenance crew, led by Louis Gotelli Supervisor, Vicente Gonzalez, and Ryan Rodriguez. We are so fortunate to have such a dedicated group of workers. I have heard it from them on several occasions, it is job to serve the community and give them our best effort. We are truly blessed to have this crew; without them I can honestly say Colma would not be what we are if we did not have the great efforts that are brought forth by the Public Works Maintenance Department. If you see them, hellos or a wave of the hand is so appreciated!
From the Public Works Department to you, we wish you a safe and prosperous New Year.