City Manager’s Update
Daniel Barros, City Manager
As we turn the page into the New Year, we have a lot to reflect upon from such a festive 2024. After all, its not often you get to celebrate you’re 100th anniversary! It was so wonderful to see the community come together throughout the year to celebrate our small town and its civic pride!
The Centennial celebrations throughout the year afforded the Colma Community an opportunity to reflect upon their history as well as connect with others who share the same love for their hometown! From the Community Fair and Parade, to the Centennial Council Meeting, Town Picnic, and 100th Anniversary Film Premiere, we hope you enjoyed celebrating Colma as much as we did. Even though the celebratory events may have come and gone, The Centennial Mural along F Street lives as a constant reminder of the rich history of the Town of Colma over the past 100 years and a symbol for future prosperity.
At last Month’s City Council Reorganization, we bid farewell to outgoing Mayor, John Irish Goodwin and thanked him for his dedicated 8 years on the Colma City Council and cumulative 35 years of public service. The Retirement of Mayor Goodwin brings forth the opportunity for a newly elected Town Council Member. Please join me in welcoming incoming Council Member, Thomas Walsh to the Colma City Council!
Public Works Department’s Update
Brad Donohue, Director of Public Works
From my department to those who reside and conduct business in the Town of Colma, it is our hope you had a safe and relaxing Holiday season!
The beginning of the year is a great time of reflection, giving thanks to those who put others ahead of themselves. Each year I promote and want to elevate the good work that our Public Works Maintenance Department carries out. The crew is staffed by Louis Gotelli, Supervisor Vicente Gonzales and Ryan Rodriguez. This three-man crew is constantly challenged with how to keep up with the upkeep of the Town’s several Facilities, the Town’s Street and sidewalks and minor road repairs, signals, streetlights, drainage facilities, landscaping oversight and special projects. What really made me appreciate them this year was their commitment to their day-to-day responsibilities, but they were front and center at every public celebration event hosted by the Town. To have a crew that values their job and the responsibility that comes with it and a dedication to the Town, its residents and businesses is so appreciative, they truly deserve special recognition. When you see them, please feel free and offer them a simple thanks, that gesture goes a long way and gives them a sense of purpose in what they are doing.
On another note, the State passed a law where municipalities are required to enforce No Parking Zones twenty feet (20’) from marked and unmarked crosswalks. This law is controversial not only here in Colma but up and down the State, especially in your more urban areas where parking is limited. The impacts of this law will affect portions of the Town, especially the Sterling Park Neighborhood. At the January 22nd City Council Meeting, the City Council will have a “Study Session” to review the law, potential options and take input from the public. If interested, please save the date: January 22nd at 7:30 PM, Colma Town Hall, 1198 El Camino Real.
From me and the Public Works and Engineering Department in Colma, it is our wish and hope that you all have a safe and prosperous New Year!
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