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As summer 2019 arrives, PG&E would like to inform residents about what they are doing within the context of wildfire preparations. This link will take you to the PG&E wildfire web page, which provides a tremendous amount of information for everyone.

CITY MANAGER’S UPDATE Brian Dossey, City Manager May is always a busy month for Town staff, as we are putting the finishing touches on the next-year’s budget for City Council’s consideration. I'm pleased to say Fiscal Year 2019-20’s budget is, once again, balanced and includes a surplus. This is largely attributable to the Town’s past...

Crimes Investigated Vehicle Burglary During the month of April, there were no reports of vehicles being burglarized. Stolen Vehicle During the month of April, there were three (3) reports of vehicles being stolen or embezzled.  There were zero (0) stolen vehicles recovered by Colma Police Officers during the month. Thefts During the month of April,...

Green infrastructure is a cost-effective, resilient approach to managing wet weather impacts. It uses plants, soils, and other elements to mimic nature and capture rainwater and runoff. Green infrastructure provides multiple community benefits such as treating stormwater pollution, reducing localized flooding, and improving community aesthetics. Many sites, including the Colma Town Hall, already have green...

ATTENTION COLMA RESIDENTS: We are looking for leaders in each of the neighborhoods to be Block Captains. Currently, there are Block Captains for B Street, D Street, Verano, and Hoffman Villa. If you think you might be interested, contact Commander Sherwin Lum, phone: 650-997-8336, or email: for more information. HOW TO START A NEIGHBORHOOD...

As summertime approaches, which means summer vacations, open doors and windows for the warmer weather, and more people outdoors, following are some general crime tips to help keep you and your property safe. If you’re traveling:  - Get an automatic timer for your lights. - Ask a trusted neighbor to watch your home while you...

CITY MANAGER’S UPDATE Brian Dossey, City Manager  A couple of weeks ago you may have received an important message from PG&E (see insert).  Given the growing threat of extreme weather, PG&E wants all of their customers to be prepared for potential power outages. If extreme fire danger conditions threaten a portion of the electric system...

Crimes Investigated Vehicle Burglary During the month of March, there was one (1) report of a vehicle being burglarized. Stolen Vehicle During the month of March, there were three (3) reports of vehicles being stolen.  Three stolen vehicles were recovered by Colma Police Officers during the month. Thefts During the month of March, the Colma...

Date and time: 2015-01-08 04:30 pmLocation: Colma Community CenterDepartment: City Manager/City Clerk's OfficeDate and time: 2015-01-08 04:30 pmLocation: Colma Community CenterDepartment: City Manager/City Clerk's Office

C.A.P.E. is a volunteer program that provides Colma Residents with the opportunity to train and assist the Colma Community in an emergency situation. New classes begin in the fall! To sign up or for more information call 650-985-5678. Click here to receive more information

Given the growing threat of extreme weather, PG&E wants all of their customers to be prepared for potential power outages. If extreme fire danger conditions threaten a portion of the electric system serving the Town, it may be necessary for PG&E to turn off electricity in the interest of public safety. This is called a...

Road Trip Guys on YouTube produced a video on Colma. Check it out!

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