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2142 Results Found

CITY MANAGER’S UPDATE Brian Dossey, City Manager Happy Holidays! As you know, the Holiday Season brings several special events to this great community. Please see the calendar on pages 2 and 3 of LiveWire for the dates and times for each event.  For more information please call the Colma Community Center at 650.985.5678 or visit...

Crimes Investigated Vehicle Burglary During the month of October, there was one (1) report of a vehicle being burglarized. Thefts During the month of October, the Colma Police Department received thirty-two (32) reports of theft related crimes and made thirteen (13) arrests ranging from petty theft, grand theft, and shoplifting. Stolen Vehicle During the month...

There are no active RFQ’s at this time.

CITY MANAGER’S UPDATE Brian Dossey, City Manager In light of the recent hurricanes on the east coast as well as the earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia, Colma is committed to ensuring that the Town and our residents are prepared for any emergency situation. Town staff has begun Community Action Teams for Emergencies (C.A.P.E.) where representatives...

Crimes Investigated Vehicle Burglary During the month of September, there were two (2) reports of vehicles being burglarized.  One vehicle was reported stolen or embezzled and one stolen vehicle was recovered. Thefts During the month of September, the Colma Police Department received thirty-five (35) reports of theft related crimes and made twenty-three (23) arrests ranging...

Staff Report and Resolution. Signed resolution will be posted once completed.

Staff Report and Resolution. Signed resolution will be posted once completed.

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